Italy is really famous around the world for its food and landscape. However, some landscapes are hidden in the mountains or in the memory of the local people, and they are waiting for you to discover them. Check out the following 5 secret places, recommended by our Giorgia, born and bred in Nortern Italy, a lover of the mountains secrets.
In Northern Italy, we have the 7 Comuni di Asiago, really famous for their traditional local markets but very few tourists know that the history of this beautiful place is hidden in the stones, in the wood or in the historical objects that you always see during your visit.
1) The most known and famous is Asiago, you can discover different traditional foods from all over Italy throughout the year.( the event is called “Asiago in Malga”), but only few people know that Asiago has its own unique local market full of antiquities where lots of collectors and dealers try to find the perfect deal.
2)The unknown district of Cogollo del Cengio, hides the Monte Cengio, a mountain rich in history and incredible landscapes, you can take a stroll on the patch and have a unforgettable view of all the districts miles around . Don’t forget, this place is an important historical monument of the First World War, called “Salto dei Granatieri” in memory of the Italians soldier’s bravery.
3)The district of Gallio, is often visited during the sports events or the festival, only the passionate historians know of the “Sentiero del Silenzio” in Campomuletto. This quiet, isolated place hidden in the woods is a fabulous museum of art works reminding of the stress and strain and damage of war.
4)The little district of Tresche’ Conca, is way off the tourist trail ; in this beautiful little village you can relax and taste their unusual red potatoes during the Party of the Potatoes. In this village lots of elderly people hold the memories from the past, if you are kind maybe they will share with you a piece of local history.
5)The Monte Verena, in the district of Roana, is a mountain really popular for skiing during the winter, so much that people forget the existence of the “Forte Verena”, a fortification which date back to the First Word War. This building was called the “dominant of the plateau” for his position and offers an amazing look of the underlying landscape.
Happy exploring! Love SCAPE xxx