So it’s FINALLY here, the one month of the year where you can eat chocolate for breakfast everyday and not give two solitary hoots about it!!!
I absolutely love home made advent calenders! You can get them out year after year, fill them with new exciting treats, and most of all they look great and are much more thoughtful!
My sister was asking me last week for some ideas for an advent calender she could make for my two little nephews, I found some brilliant ideas, and as it’s the 1st of December today, I thought that I would share my top 10 with you!
1. Number one is by far my favorite of all!! These cute little houses would sit perfectly in front of a fire place, or in the corner of your favorite little person’s bedroom!
2. This little starry delight is super cute and easy to make, cut and sew (or glue), but remember to leave a gap on one of the top sides to pop your little treat in!!
3. This little fella is, not only a brilliant calender but also a beautiful decoration! Perfect for the wall of any rustic kitchen. All you need is a few properly dried out twigs of varying sizes, or a few scraps of off cut timber…a hammer and nails, and you’ve got yourself a lovely calender!
4. Next up we have a super simple, and easy to store idea that will look great strung along your fire place! 25 envelopes, 25 pegs, a stencil and some festive string! You could even go for different coloured envelopes to fit in with your Christmas theme!
5. Here we have another very simple yet BRILLIANT idea! Perfect for any cake baker to hang in their Kitchen! All you need is a 24 hole cupcake tin,some ribbon, your chosen treats and some coloured card!
6. How about this lovely little idea?? All you need for this is 24 circles of fabric, (you could even change it up and have lots of different colours,) a fabric pen, some festive string, a bunch of twigs and a vase… easy, peezy!!
7. In at number seven!! Get knitting with this twee little pocket calender. Knit up 24 different sized squares, and either glue or stitch onto a piece of fabric, then staple around a piece of chipboard! Alternatively grab a large cork board, and some cute pins and pin the squares on, just as cute!!
8. I love this idea, lots of little boxes glued to the back of a photo frame! Easy to do as eating the chocolates you find inside!! All you need is a photo or picture frame sans the glass, and 24 little boxes (here they show a mix of sizes but they could all be the same!). Paint up the frame including the back, arrange and glue your boxes and either draw or cut out numbers to stick on the lids!
9. Here we have another twiggy idea. One twig, and lots of different pretty little packets to hang off off of it! Beautiful over the fire place!!
10. And finally at number ten, ADVENT BUNTING!! Cut your pockets into any shape you like, and glue or stitch the edges together, string them up and fill with chocolates!
Let the chocolate eating BEGIN!! Love SCAPE X